Marine Soundscape and bioindicators of acoustic disturbance

The course aims at providing students with knowledge about the acoustic environment with particular focus on marine species and ecosystems, the production and reception of acoustic signals, the impact of human activities and the consequences on species. The basic concepts on acoustics in the marine environment, transmission of signals and mitigation of effects in a conservation perspective are studied

  1. Bioacoustics and ecoacoustics, history, soundscape and acoustic components, use of sounds at sea
  2. Basics of acoustics at sea
  3. The geophonic and the biophonic component
  4. Emission and reception systems in marine animals
  5. Anthropogenic noise: sources, legislation and environmental impact assessments
  6. Impact on species and physiological stress indicators
  7. Methods and techniques of acoustic analysis
  8. New methods for monitoring the environment: 3 case studies

Teacher: Elena Papale